The application includes multiple services like searching for the domestic workers with multiple search criteria which includes:
• Packages.
• Occupation.
• Nationality.
• Age.
• Gender.
• Experience.
• Emirate.
• Spoken Languages.
The application provides also the ability to sort the results based on Age or Experience, in addition to reaching the workers directly from the service centre profile page.
The centres itself can be found using Google Maps to detect the nearest one from the user and guide him/her to the it on the maps.
The ability to submit complaints is available in the application and can be applied by the worker and the employer as well. Each party can submit his/her complaint against the other party or against Tadbeer centre.
There is also a library of Guidance materials targeting workers provided by Domestic Workers section in the MoHRE (Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation). Those materials provide an easy access to a library of media that guarantee the full understanding of rights and duties of each party.
Aplikasi ini mencakup beberapa layanan seperti mencari pekerja rumah tangga dengan kriteria pencarian beberapa yang meliputi:
• Paket.
• Pekerjaan.
• Kebangsaan.
• Umur.
• Jenis kelamin.
• Pengalaman.
• Emirat.
• Bahasa lisan.
Aplikasi ini menyediakan juga kemampuan untuk mengurutkan hasil berdasarkan usia atau pengalaman, selain mencapai pekerja langsung dari halaman profil pusat layanan.
Pusat-pusat itu sendiri dapat ditemukan dengan menggunakan Google Maps untuk mendeteksi yang terdekat dari pengguna dan membimbing dia / dia untuk itu pada peta.
Kemampuan untuk menyampaikan pengaduan tersedia dalam aplikasi dan dapat diterapkan oleh pekerja dan majikan juga. Masing-masing pihak dapat mengajukan / nya keluhan nya terhadap pihak lain atau terhadap pusat Tadbeer.
Ada juga sebuah perpustakaan bahan Bimbingan ditujukan bagi para pekerja yang disediakan oleh bagian Pekerja Rumah Tangga di Mohre (Kementerian Sumber Daya Manusia dan Emiratisation). Bahan-bahan menyediakan akses mudah ke perpustakaan media yang menjamin pemahaman penuh hak dan kewajiban masing-masing pihak.
The application includes multiple services like searching for the domestic workers with multiple search criteria which includes:
• Packages.
• Occupation.
• Nationality.
• Age.
• Gender.
• Experience.
• Emirate.
• Spoken Languages.
The application provides also the ability to sort the results based on Age or Experience, in addition to reaching the workers directly from the service centre profile page.
The centres itself can be found using Google Maps to detect the nearest one from the user and guide him/her to the it on the maps.
The ability to submit complaints is available in the application and can be applied by the worker and the employer as well. Each party can submit his/her complaint against the other party or against Tadbeer centre.
There is also a library of Guidance materials targeting workers provided by Domestic Workers section in the MoHRE (Ministry of Human Resources and Emiratisation). Those materials provide an easy access to a library of media that guarantee the full understanding of rights and duties of each party.